Island Cookery III is available for sale at the following retailers
On QUadra & Cortes Island
Book Bonanza At-The-Cove - Quadra
James Pottery - Quadra
Q Cove Credit Union - Quadra
Sidelines - Quadra
southend winery - quadra
spirit of the west - quadra
Taku Resort - Quadra
Tide to table - Quadra
Marnie’s Books - CORTES
In Campbell River & the north island
bough & anchor - campbell river
campbell river art gallery- campbell river
Coho Books- campbell river
Crabby Bob’s Seafood- campbell river
gourmet essentials- campbell river
Healthyway- campbell river
ocean pacific marine- campbell river
save-on foods- campbell river
The Museum of Campbell River- campbell river
The Appleseed Cottage Gifts- campbell river